Legal Notice



Mandatory information according to § 5 TMG, § 2 DL-InfoV

Ranke v. Eggelkraut-Gottanka Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

Ferdinand-Maria-Str. 45

80639 Munich

Tel +49 (0)89 954 592 40-0

Fax +49 (0)89 954 592 40-9

E-mail: in**@ra**************.de


Partnership with limited professional liability within the meaning of the Partnership Act (PartG) with registered office in Munich

Registered in the partnership register of the Munich Local Court PR 1900


Partners within the meaning of the PartG (each with sole power of representation)

Dr. Johannes Ranke, Dr. Johannes von Eggelkraut-Gottanka


Sales tax identification number


The lawyers are admitted to the Munich Bar Association as lawyers.


Competent supervisory authority

Bar Association for the Higher Regional Court District of Munich

Tal 33, 80331 Munich

Telephone: (089) 53 29 44-0

Fax: (089) 53 29 44-28

E-mail: in**@ra***.de


Professional liability insurance

In accordance with the requirements of § 51a BRAO, Ranke v. Eggelkraut-Gottanka Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB maintains professional liability insurance with ZURICH Insurance plc, Platz der Einheit 2, 60327 Frankfurt am Main with the insurance policy no. 801.521.429.251. The geographical scope of the insurance cover includes activities in the member states of the European Union and thus at least meets the requirements of § 51a BRAO.


The following professional regulations apply to lawyers

Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO)

Professional Code of Conduct for Attorneys at Law (BORA)

Lawyers’ Remuneration Act (RVG)

Specialist Lawyers’ Regulations (FAO)

Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Community (CCBE)

Law on the Activities of European Lawyers in Germany (EuRAG)

The current versions of the professional and fee regulations are available online at the Federal Bar Association:


Out-of-court dispute resolution

In the event of disputes between lawyers and their clients, there is the possibility of out-of-court dispute resolution upon application to the Munich Bar Association (pursuant to Section 73 (2) No. 3 in conjunction with Section 73 (5) BRAO) or to the Arbitration Board of the Bar Section 191 et seq. BRAO (at the Federal Bar Association, see

In addition, we refer to the EU platform for extrajudicial online dispute resolution:


Responsible for journalistic-editorial content within the meaning of § 55 para. 2 RStV

Dr. Johannes Ranke

Dr. Johannes von Eggelkraut-Gottanka



Thomas Dashuber,


Website, concept and design



Logo design

Stephanie Anais Araiza Rodriguez

